Naima's Published Titles

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Readers Vote on Book Descriptions

Congratulations to Aubrey Laine, the winner of a $25 Amazon gift card. To enter the raffle, Aubrey and other readers commented on which of two book descriptions for The Bad Death they found most compelling. I thought it would be fun to compile their input and share.

You can read the descriptions on my last blog entry. Option A was written by a professional book blurb writer I contracted with through The Serious Reader. I wrote Option B. Results: Option A won by one vote. I was really surprised to see the description I wrote fare so well. Hey, I can write a novel. But ad copy throws me like a wild horse.

Readers commented that Option A was "sultry and scary" and "matter-of-fact ...let's the reader know what he/she is in for". Others commented that Option B gave more insight into what the story is about, "drew me in", and "I would pick up the book if I read something like that!" Opposing viewpoints reminded me that one person's trash is another's treasure. For instance, while Option B snared some commenters, another said it was "poorly written". On a related note, when I get too scared of bad novel reviews, I remind myself how long the spectrum of opinion is. My novel, Bloodroom, has gotten 2 star reviews, but it's also gotten 5 star reviews. We humans are a diverse bunch!

Which description will I use? Both! Not at the same time, of course. Successful self-published authors change descriptions on books from time to time to see how each affects sales. That's what I'll do.

Thanks, all who gave their opinions. It's been a great help!

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